Prof John Weeks
PEF Council Coordinator 2018 - 2020
John Weeks was Professor Emeritus of Development Economics at SOAS, University of London. He advised many international organizations and governments in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa. His most recent book was The Debt Delusion: Living within our means and other Fallacies (Polity 2019).
His other books included a theoretical critique of mainstream macroeconomics, The Irreconcilable Inconsistencies of Neoclassical Macroeconomics (Routledge 2012), and for the general reader The Economics of the 1%: How mainstream economics serves the rich, obscures reality and distorts policy (Anthem 2014).
Sadly John Weeks died on 26th July 2020. PEF's forthcoming book The Return of the State is dedicated to John's memory and his work for PEF
Tributes to John can be found here and here